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Passionate gecko's breeders

Welcome to ReptiFeel's!

This website was made for you.

You, addicted to reptiles for years and intoxicated by terrarist fever, who are looking for a new "scaly" companion.

And also you, neophytes and beginners with a mind full of curiosity, questions, apprehension and who want to embark on this thrilling adventure!

Our curiosity gradually turned into a passion for these magnificent animals too often wrongly judged or unknown to the public.


Our goals :


Share our knowledges, make these little animals better known

and above all, breed them in the best way possible in order to be able to offer magnificent reptiles overflowing with health and vitality that will follow you for a long time.

We also wish to maintain rare species that are uncommon in captivity and/or are threatened in their natural habitats. The main point is to achieve a conservation status for all these gorgeous species. 


Any complete or partial reproduction or communication not authorized by ReptiFeel's constitutes an infringement punishable by the code of intellectual property.

ReptiFeel's 2018-2022 ©, all rights reserved.

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