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The old ones 


Likhana was an albino female Super Mack Snow Tremper phase leopard gecko that gave her that gorgeous little pinkish, spotted brown skin. The Super Mack Snow gene comprising the Eclipse gene combined with the Tremper produced deep ruby red eyes. She is the second geckotte we have welcomed after Blaze.

She had been dominated by another female and we took a long time to get her to a normal rhythm of life. Unfortunately, after 3 years of living with us, she died in early 2018 from a severe parasitosis. Because of her fragile physiology and despite an adapted anti-parasitic treatment, we were unable to save her. She now rests with us under a decent burial and representative of the happiness she brought us during these 3 years.


Yuki was a female TUG Snow White and Yellow Black Hole phase leopard gecko which is a beautiful mix of genes giving her a fairly pale white and orange color and small black eyes due to the Eclipse gene contained in the Black Hole phase .

It was intended for reproduction in order to work the Enigma gene contained in its Black Hole phase .


She had left Canada perfectly healthy, but unfortunately Enigma Syndrome surely started due to the stress of traveling to Europe. She therefore suffered from the syndrome in its severe form, that is to say that she had to be assisted every day during her feeding and molting. We therefore decided not to reproduce her and to offer her a peaceful life so as not to worsen her symptoms.


Given the severity of her symptoms and her repeated seizures, we had to resolve to euthanize her at the end of January 2019 to prevent her from further suffering ... She now rests with us alongside our all our elders.


By counting its history to you , we hope to convince you not to buy this phase of gecko either for the beauty or for pity if you do not feel able to assume it and especially if you have plans of reproduction! Because you must realize that the phases of Enigma healthy are very rare, their life expectancies are greatly reduced and if they do not die of an epileptic seizure or any other pathological cause, you will have to rely on euthanasia to avoid any unnecessary suffering ...


Raega was a female leopard gecko born in France phase White and Yellow Tangerine Patternless Eclipse het Bell , it is a beautiful orange-yellow mix with the Patternless gene which restricts any pattern on her body. The Eclipse gene makes her eyes partly dark and very beautiful to look at. The het Bell gene is here in heterozygous (het) or hidden form, ie it has the gene but does not express it.


This is the last arrival in our kennel, she had a small growth delay that she completely caught up with. It was an ultra curious little electric battery that ate everything and that did not hesitate for a second to take out at the slightest noise. It was our little ray of sunshine.


Despite her good constitution, her weight and her age within the norms to start reproduction, she started what seemed to be egg retention. She was hospitalized for 3 days in the clinic to receive oxytocin injections to trigger the laying.


But the treatment did not give anything and despite a good general condition in the days which followed her return home to hope for a natural laying, she died the night of April 13 to 14, 2019 probably because of the backlash from the injections of oxytocin ...


Even when all the right conditions are met to breed your animals, think twice because we have not only lost a breeding female, we have lost a small ball of happiness that was our joy every day ...





Seija was a Canadian born female Phantom White and Yellow Marble eyes phase leopard gecko . A s Ouro, the Phantom gave her these beautiful yellow shades sprinkled with orange cream here and there. The Marble Eyes gene acts in a specific way on these eyes giving the impression of a marbled 3D reflection as if we were looking through a glass ball.

She was also a member of the "typical hunters" club and very rarely accepted clamp-feeding. But that did not prevent him from sneaking out of his terrarium to go on an adventure without our approval! In short, a magnificent geckotte and very pleasant to live with.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

She sadly passed away from egg retention in mid-2019 which forced her to join our other alumni much too early for our liking.


Apih was a classical phase male Chameleo Calyptratus or Yemeni helmeted Chameleon . This was the third reptile that we welcomed to our home. In terms of behavior, he was necessarily completely different from our small tribe of geckos since he was diurnal, which is a hell of a change compared to the nocturnal habits of our other residents.

He was insectivorous but as an adult, he moved more easily towards plants since chameleons, once adult, are 40-50% vegetarian. But that remains school percentages because our male ate almost only insects and accepts 1 or 2 chicory leaves per week . We assume that if the state of health is good, it is because the diet was suitable for him.

He unfortunately passed away of old age in September 2020 at the age of 5 and a half . 5 years of happiness that we have made sure to give him back every day at best.

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